Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Blog

October 8, 2008 here I am in my 60th year and starting a blog. Similar to many other people -----there have been many "firsts" in my life. Some we want to remember and some we pray to forget. I hope this is one of the "firsts" that I want to remember. God Bless and Keep you. Sister Pat online and in Florida


Dominic Sola said...

So good to hear from you and see your comment on our blog. Your blog looks good!!
Love Ya!! Dominic
P.S. Here is another blog you can visit!

Dominic Sola said...

Hi Sister Pat, just dropped in to say Hi. So many people send us emails about our blogs but they seem shy about blogging.

Sister Pat said...

Well, this has been a very interesting journey already. I can say that it has opened up another way for me to share Christ and to use whatever talents that he has trusted me with. I am hopeful that more people will join some of the other blogs and share. I understand that opening ourselves up to others is just a bit frightning these days. But then what do we have to fear? Make a new friend if only online and have someone to share with. Like others I work hard at my job during the day but I do look forward to the time to share with other Christians online between the church days. My motives are pure and that is what counts. You are welcome to email me if you do not want to post a comment. Sister Pat Online